Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

A few days ago I let go of a sense of missed to feel pleasure in the Scholastic book heaven Jakarta. Understandably not long stay in touch with Scholastic Jakarta. Cuman intention to buy the book because PayPal delayed its contents are still in an unstable state. But when yesterday's visit was also not had time to buy new books for the alias udah udah begud dusk fasting.

Views directly fixed to one magazine. I forgot the name of the magazine that his subject is clear what I have been looking for is how to increase traffic to your blog or website. Proved a powerful way to become king of the Internet is by using Black Hat SEO. This powerful way successfully developed by a group of bloggers in Russia and he ruled almost every keyword. Even income from Google Adsense also rose sharply. This way is cheating. Very dirty. But if you do not want to know what is not?

Black Hat SEO implement several strategies to increase traffic, some of which are:

1. Using Meta Tag Meta Tag manipulating aliases. By manipulating this meta tag keywords on Google's super can get a blog on bejibun visit one day. Games alit this direct keyword bother it easy. We must be able to manipulate and adjust the meta tags with popular keywords on Google. class="fullpost">This is the first high-risk style of Black Hat SEO.
2. Using invisible keywords. I forget the name clearly what the term means that this one allows each blog search leads us to the top ranked in the Google search engine. Invisible keyword is a keyword that lies hidden behind an item that can not be seen with the naked eye. But can be seen with the inner eye of a blogger. Are you a blogger? If it means you can see the invisible keyword. Sorry there not screenshoot
3. Manipulate the index.php and the core of the blog. These manipulations included injection most powerful keywords in the history of search engines. We can see the powerful keywords in the Google universe of keywords on Google. By using this tactic as a blog can become a king on the internet because of the hidden keywords that are not known by anyone.
4. Manipulating the robot. Every time Googlebot crawl our blog so we can manipulate the data from the Googlebot. This manipulation is done by injecting keep content and hottest keywords.
5. All the way at high risk. Even the biggest risk is the site or blog Black Hat SEO direject of search engines.

By applying the Black Hat SEO strategies is the result of our blog made the top search engines, especially Google.
Things that need in mind this is a high-risk strategy. Any action if such action is known the consequences blog or website SEO Black Hat will be on Internet blacklists in the world.
Many ways to increase traffic to your blog traffic aliases. These ways is to:

1. Do blog walking. In this way we can popularize the following blog contents to all bloggers. In addition we can also find new friends and even sharing knowledge.
2. Always following blog bookmark content. It is intended that the writing or posting that we make can be enjoyed by all those who visit the social bookmarking. The result is, of course the increasing number of visits to the blog.
3. List and do their own social bookmarking at Social Marker.

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